Lagers – U.S. Open Beer Championship Categories

Lagers – U.S. Open Beer Championship Categories

Category 75: Light Lager*

Subcategory A: American Light Lager*
Color: Very light to pale
Clarity: Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Very low
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Absent to very low
Perceived Bitterness: Absent to very low
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters are usually absent but may be present at very low levels. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and DMS should not be present. These beers are characterized by an extremely high degree of attenuation. Final gravity is often less than 1.000 (0.0 ºPlato).
Body: Low with dry mouthfeel
Additional notes: Corn, rice or other grain or sugar adjuncts are often used. These beers are high in carbonation. Flavor attributes typical of beer are usually very low when present. Calories should not exceed 125 per 12-ounce serving. Low carb beers should have a maximum carbohydrate level of 3.0 gm per 12 oz. (355 ml).
Alcohol By Volume: 3.50% – 4.40%
IBU: 4-10
Color SRM: 1.5-4

Subcategory B: German Leichtbier*
Color: Straw to pale
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium
Perceived Bitterness: Medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present. Very low levels of sulfur-related compounds are acceptable.
Body: Very low
Alcohol By Volume: 2.50% – 3.70%
IBU: 16 – 24
Color SRM: 2 – 4

Category 76: American-Style Lager/Pilsener*

Subcategory A: American-Style Lager
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt sweetness is very low to low
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present to very low
Perceived Bitterness: Not present to very low
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters are usually absent, but may be present at very low levels. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and DMS should not be present.
Body: Low
Additional notes: Corn, rice, or other grain or sugar adjuncts are often used. American Lagers are very clean and crisp, and aggressively carbonated.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.10% – 5.10%
IBU: 5-15
Color SRM: 2-4

Subcategory B: American-Style Pilsener*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present.
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Medium-low to medium
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Medium to high, exhibiting attributes typical of noble-type hops
Perceived Bitterness: Medium to medium-high
Fermentation Characteristics: DMS, acetaldehyde, fruity esters, and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium-low to medium
Additional notes: Finish should exhibit low to medium-low body with a clean, crisp malt character evident at low levels. Up to 25% corn or rice in the grist should be used. Beers in this category hew to American-style lagers typical of the pre-Prohibition era.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.90% – 6.00%
IBU: 25-40
Color SRM: 3-6

Category 77: American Premium Lager
Color: Light straw to golden.
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present.
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: This style has low malt (and adjunct) sweetness, is medium bodied, and should contain no or a low percentage (less than 25%) of adjuncts.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is low or negligible.
Perceived Bitterness: Alcohol content and bitterness may also be greater.
Fermentation Characteristics: Light fruity esters are acceptable. Chill haze and diacetyl should be absent.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.10% – 5.10%
IBU: 6-15
Color SRM: 2-6

Category 78: American Amber Lager*
Color: Gold to copper
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present.
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium-low caramel or toasted malt aromas and flavors should be present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to medium-high
Perceived Bitterness: Very low to medium-high
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium
Alcohol By Volume 4.80% – 5.40%
IBU: 18–30
Color SRM: 6–14

Category 79: California Common Beer*
Color: Light amber to medium amber
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Medium level toasted or caramel malt attributes are present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium-low
Perceived Bitterness: Medium to medium-high
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters are low to medium-low. Diacetyl should be absent.
Body: Medium
Additional notes: California Common beers are brewed with lager yeasts but fermented at warm temperatures like ales.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.60% – 5.70%
IBU: 35-45
Color SRM: 8-15

Category 80: Bohemian-Style Pilsener*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: A slightly sweet and toasted, biscuity, bready malt aroma and flavor is present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Medium-low to medium, derived from late kettle hopping with noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium
Fermentation Characteristics: The upper limit of original gravity of versions brewed in Czech Republic is 12.99 °Plato or 1.052 specific gravity. Esters are usually not present, but if present should be extremely low, at the limit of perception. Very low levels of diacetyl, if present, are acceptable and may accent malt character. Low levels of sulfur compounds may be present. DMS and acetaldehyde should not be present.
Body: Medium
Additional notes: The head should be dense.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.1%-5.1%
IBU: 25-45
Color SRM: 3-6

Category 81: German-Style Pilsener*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: A malty sweet aroma and flavor should be present at low levels. Bready or light biscuity attributes may be present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is moderate and pronounced, derived from late hopping (not dry hopping) with noble-type hops. Floral, herbal, peppery, or other attributes may be present.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium to high
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity-ester and DMS should not be present. These are well attenuated beers.
Body: Low to medium-low
Additional notes: The head should be dense, pure white, and persistent. Hop character is assertive and crisp.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.60%-5.30%
IBU: 25-50
Color SRM: 3-4

Category 82: International Style Pilsner

Subcategory A: International Style Pilsner*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Residual malt aroma and flavor may be present at low to medium-low levels
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Very low levels of DMS aroma and flavor are acceptable. Fruity esters, acetaldehyde, and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Low to medium
Additional notes: These beers are often brewed with rice, corn, wheat, or other grains. Sugar adjuncts may also be used.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.60%-5.30%
IBU: 17-40
Color SRM: 3-6

Subcategory B: Italian Pilsner
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: A malty sweet aroma and flavor should be present at low levels. Bready or light biscuity attributes may be present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is moderate and pronounced, derived from dry hopping with European hops. Floral, herbal, peppery, or other attributes may be present.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium to high
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity-ester and DMS should not be present. These are well attenuated beers.
Body: Low to medium-low
Additional notes: The head should be dense, pure white, and persistent. Hop character is assertive and crisp.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.60%-5.30%
IBU: 25-50
Color SRM: 3-4

Subcategory C: New Zealand Lager
Color: Straw to pale
Clarity: Appearance should be bright; chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Residual malt aroma and flavor may be perceived at low levels
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Very low levels of DMS aroma and flavor are acceptable. Fruity-estery and diacetyl aromas and flavors should not be perceived.
Body: Low to medium
Additional notes: These beers are often brewed with rice, corn, wheat, or other grains making up part of the mash. Sugar adjuncts may be added during the wort production process.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.60% – 5.30%
IBU: 17 – 30
Color SRM: 3 – 4

Subcategory D: Australasian, Latin American or Tropical-Style Light Lager*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt sweetness is absent
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present to very low
Perceived Bitterness: Very low
Fermentation Characteristics: Sugar adjuncts are often used to lighten the body and flavor, sometimes contributing to very low to low fruity esters such as apple or pear. DMS, diacetyl, and acetaldehyde should not be present.
Body: Low
Additional notes: Sugar, corn, rice, and other cereal grains or carbohydrates sources are used as adjuncts.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.10%-5.10%
IBU: 9-18
Color SRM: 2-5

Category 83: Mexican Lager/Pilsner
Color: Straw to pale
Clarity: Appearance should be bright; chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Residual malt aroma and flavor may be perceived at low levels
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium-low
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium-low
Fermentation Characteristics: Very low levels of DMS aroma and flavor are acceptable. Fruity-estery and diacetyl aromas and flavors should not be perceived.
Body: Low to medium
Additional notes: These beers are often brewed with rice, corn, wheat, or other grains making up part of the mash. Sugar adjuncts may be added during the wort production process.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.20% – 5.30%
IBU: 15-28
Color SRM: 3 – 4

Category 84: Munich-Style Helles*
Color: Pale to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt aroma and flavor are pronounced. Low levels of yeast-produced sulfur aromas and flavors may be present. Malt character is sometimes bready and suggestive of lightly toasted malted barley. There should be no caramel character.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma is not present to low. Hop flavor is very low to low, derived from noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Low, derived from European noble-type hops.
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters, DMS, and diacetyl should not be present. A very low level of sulfur attributes may be present in balance with other attributes.
Body: Medium
Additional notes: Many beer brands known as Austrian-Style Maerzen are nearly indistinguishable from Munich-Style Helles and are appropriately categorized here.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.80% – 5.60%
IBU: 18-25
Color SRM: 4-5.5

Category 85: Munich-Style Dunkel*
Color: Light brown to brown
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt character is low to medium, with chocolate, roast, bread, or biscuit aromas and flavors contributed by using dark Munich malt or other specialty malts.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low, with attributes typical of noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present
Body: Low to medium-low
Additional notes: Dunkels do not offer an overly sweet impression, but rather a balance between malt and dark malt sweetness and hop character.
Alcohol By Volume 4.80% – 5.30%
IBU: 16-25
Color SRM: 15-25

Category 86 A: German-Style Maerzen/Oktoberfest*

Subcategory A: German-Style Maerzen
Color: Pale to reddish-brown
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Bready or biscuity malt aroma and flavor should be present. Sweet maltiness is medium-low to medium and leads to a muted clean hop bitterness. Malt flavors should be of light toast rather than strong caramel. Low level caramel character is acceptable.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low with attributes typical of noble hop varieties
Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present
Body: Medium
Alcohol By Volume 5.10%-6.00%
IBU: 18-25
Color SRM: 4-15

Subcategory B: German-Style Oktoberfest/Wiesn*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Clean, sweet, bready malt profile is low to medium-low
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low
Perceived Bitterness: Very low to low and in balance with low sweet maltiness
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present
Body: Medium
Additional notes: Traditional Oktoberfest beers were brewed to original gravity at or above 13 ºPlato. Today, some examples are brewed to a lower original gravity.
Alcohol By Volume 5.10%-6.10%
IBU: 23-29
Color SRM: 3-5

Category 87: Vienna-Style Lager*
Color: Deep Gold to reddish-brown
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Characterized by malty aroma and light malt sweetness, which should have a lightly toasted malt character.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low, derived from noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium-low, clean, and crisp.
Fermentation Characteristics: DMS, diacetyl, and fruity esters should not be present.
Body: Medium
Alcohol By Volume: 4.80% – 5.40%
IBU: 22 – 28
Color SRM: 6 – 18

Category 88: German-Style Schwarzbier*
Color: Very dark brown to black, with a pale-colored head.
Clarity: Beer color may be too dark to perceive. When clarity is perceivable, chill haze should not be present.
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Medium malt aroma displays a mild roasted malt character. Malt sweetness is low to medium and displays a mild roasted malt character without bitterness.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is very low to low, derived from noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Low to medium-low
Alcohol By Volume: 3.80% – 4.90%
IBU: 22-30
Color SRM: 25-40

Category 89: Traditional German-Style Bock*
Color: Dark brown to very dark
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Traditional Bocks are made with all malt and have high malt character with aromas of toasted or nutty malt, but not caramel. Traditional bocks display high malt sweetness. The malt flavor profile should display a balance of sweetness and toasted or nutty malt, but not caramel.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low
Perceived Bitterness: Medium, increasing proportionately with starting gravity.
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters if present should be minimal. Diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium to full
Alcohol By Volume: 6.30% – 7.60%
IBU: 20-30
Color SRM: 20-30

Category 90: German-Style Heller Bock/Maibock*
Color: Pale to light amber. The German word ‘helle’ means light-colored, thus Heller Bock is a pale beer.
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Light toasty or bready aroma and flavor attributes are often present. Roast or heavy toast/caramel malt aromas and flavors should not be present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium-low, derived from noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium-low
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters, if present, should be low. Diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium to full
Alcohol By Volume: 6.30%-8.10%
IBU: 20-38
Color SRM: 4-9

Category 91: Strong Bock

Subcategory A: German-Style Doppelbock*
Color: Copper to dark brown
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Pronounced aromas and flavors of toasted malted barley. Some caramel and toffee character can contribute to complexity in a secondary role. Dark fruit flavors such as prune and raisin may be present. Malty sweetness is pronounced but should not be cloying. There should be no astringency from roasted malts.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma is absent. Hop flavor is low.
Perceived Bitterness: Low
Fermentation Characteristics: Alcoholic strength is high. Fruity esters are commonly perceived at low to moderate levels. Diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Full
Alcohol By Volume: 6.60% – 7.90%
IBU: 17-27
Color SRM: 12-30

Subcategory: German-Style Eisbock*
Color: Light brown to black
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Sweet malt character is very high. Dark fruit flavors such as prune and raisin may be present
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is absent
Perceived Bitterness: Very low to low
Fermentation Characteristics: Alcohol may be present in aroma. Fruity esters may be evident, but not overpowering. Diacetyl should not be present. Alcoholic strength is very high.
Body: Very full
Additional notes: This is a stronger version of Doppelbock. Traditionally, these beers were created by freezing a Doppelbock and removing the ice, thus concentrating the alcohol.
Alcohol By Volume:  8.60% – 14.30%
IBU: 26-33
Color SRM: 15-50

Category 92: Baltic-Style Porter*
Color: Black
Clarity: Opaque. When clarity is perceivable, chill haze should not be present.
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt sweetness is medium-low to medium-high. Distinctive malt aromas and flavors of caramelized sugars, dark sugars, and licorice are present. Roast malt attributes may be present at low levels, but any bitterness or astringency should be in harmony with other flavor aspects.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low. Floral hop aroma can complement aromatics.
Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium-low
Fermentation Characteristics: Due to its alcoholic strength, there may be very low to low levels of complex alcohol aromas and flavors, and higher levels of fruitiness suggestive of berries, grapes, or plums, but not banana. Fruity esters, DMS, and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium to full
Additional notes: Baltic Porter is brewed with lager yeast and fermented and lagered cold producing a smooth beer. A low level of oxidation, if harmonious with other flavor components, is acceptable.
Alcohol by Volume: 7.60% – 9.30%
IBU: 35-40
Color SRM: 20+

Category 93: India Pale Lager*
Color: Straw to gold
Clarity: Hop haze is allowable. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Very low to medium, and may exhibit bready, cracker-like, or other attributes typical of pale malts
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Medium to high with attributes typical of hops of any origin
Perceived Bitterness: Medium to high, but not harsh
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters range from absent to medium-low. DMS, acetaldehyde, and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: low to medium
Additional notes: This style of beer should exhibit the fresh character of hops. Some versions may be brewed with corn, rice, or other adjunct grains, and may exhibit attributes typical of those adjuncts.
Alcohol by Volume: 5.60%-7.90%
IBU: 30-70
Color SRM: 2.5-6

Category 94: Dortmunder/European-Style Export*
Color: Straw to deep gold
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Sweet malt character should be low and should not be caramelly
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low, derived from noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Medium
Additional notes: Traditionally, German-style Export beers were brewed to higher gravity/higher alcohol than domestic beers to promote longer shelf-life in export markets.
Alcohol by Volume: 5.10%-6.10%
IBU: 23-29
Color SRM: 3-6

Category 95: Dark Lager

Subcategory A: American-Style Dark Lager*
Color: Light brown to very dark
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low malt aroma and flavor may include low levels of caramel
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low
Perceived Bitterness: Very low to low and dissipates quickly.
Fermentation Characteristics: Carbonation is high. Fruity esters, DMS and diacetyl should not be present.
Body: Low
Alcohol By Volume: 4.10%-5.60%
IBU: 14-24
Color SRM: 14-25

Subcategory B: European-Style Dark Lager*
Color: Light brown to dark brown
Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium with chocolate, roast, and malt aromas and flavors present.
Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low with attributes typical of noble-type hops.
Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium-high
Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters should not be present. In most examples diacetyl should not be present, however some Czech dark lagers allow for low levels of diacetyl
Body: Low to medium-low
Additional notes: These beers offer a fine balance of sweet maltiness and hop bitterness.
Alcohol By Volume: 4.80%-5.30%
IBU: 20-35
Color SRM: 15-24

* Brewers Association 2023 Beer Style Guidelines ( published by the Brewers Association.